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最近欧洲太冷了,我们这里十二月初就下了破纪录的大雪,不仅笔被冻住了,连脑子里的思路都停了,但路上还是有许多行人。 求主保守大家出入有平安,吃火锅时蛮有节制,走在冰雪上有圣灵扶持。 伟苓和我很想念你们,谢谢大家的电话和寄来的惊奇。
亲爱的代祷同工, (为主成为改变的带动者) 改变有很多种,有一种改变是出于人的无可奈何;比如一群在监狱里的囚犯在接到典狱长的命令之后改变他们一些不好的行为和生活方式,他们的改变是必须的,而且会很快也很彻底,否则这些囚犯就得受惩罚;这种改变是被人控制的,是在规定之下发生的,就好像一台机器被改装成不同的样子和功能。 […]
亲爱的代祷同工, (奥巴玛或罗姆尼,该选谁呢?) 最近美国最大的新闻除了“珊蒂小姐”在东海岸的发威,大概就是11月6日(今天)的总统大选新闻。一位是争取连任的奥巴玛,另一位是挑战的罗姆尼,在各样的竞选场合和电视广告上他们各说个话,越听越让人糊涂不知道该选谁才好。 […]
What Client’s Say
To anybody thinking of buying this theme – buy it! The theme itself is amazing, and on top of that, the support is outstanding! I wanted some features put in, and the theme developer was more than willing to help me out!
I would like to extend a special thank you for your excellent support. Is has been a great experience. I love this template and more so because you provided excellent support and feedback.Thank you for such a great template! A must have!
Thank You for the speedy reply and the addition to the next update ThemeFusion, now purchased!
It’s my first time buying on here and I’m very please, so easy to customize! Cheers for your help again, very satisfied customer!!!!
Themes like yours make people want to upgrade their business quality to fit in such beauty … really thanks and all the best luck in sales.